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STEP ONE: define the idea 

 I want to create several objects made of pipe cleaners. My original idea was to make a bouquet of flowers (which I might just focus on), but I would also like to do some animals or small items like that. 

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Screenshot 2023-10-04 10.42.06 AM.png

STEP TWO: collect information 

Some people have done this, mostly flowers. I've seen plenty of videos and tutorials on tiktok about them and that's where I got this very simple, easy and cute idea. In the tutorials they do show their steps and process. Mine will be different for theirs because I will be doing this as a class project. The materials that I will use will be pipe cleaners, a scissor, hot glue gun and maybe a pencil so I can give the pipe cleaner some shape. 

STEP THREE:  brainstorm & analyze ideas

Like on my last step, I will following a couple of tutorials that I find, depending  what I want to do. My project will be similar to others because I will take inspiration from some creations. It twill be different because I will try and do my own creations and it will also be for a class project. 

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STEP FOUR: build a model

For my model, I created some random things. Since it was my first time working with pipe cleaners, I struggled; eventually I worked it out. Still a little messy but this was the result. 

STEP FIVE: feedback

I got some feedback, which was pretty simple, nice and actual feedback rather than criticism. 

I got told: 

  • "you should make the figures bigger." 

  • "challenge yourself!"


STEP SIX: improve your idea

Based on my feedback, I decided to work more on my skills. I did some more challenging things that were also bigger. I made some rose flower rings. They were pretty simple but I would say they are on a different level than from my original models. 

STEP SEVEN: post to wix

For the final result, I decided to make a flower "bouquet." This was something new for me and obviously hard, but it was done. It was very stressful. 


I like to think that I did improve in what seems such a simple task and like to look back at my progress. 

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